Covid-19 Policy
HQP FACILITY SERVICES LP, responding to the special conditions created due to the appearance and spread of the coronavirus, has set as its primary goal the protection of public health by taking and implementing appropriate measures and restrictions. HQP FACILITY SERVICES LP has adapted its management and activities to meet the high standards set by the Covid-19 pandemic plan.
The Covid-19 Pandemic policy sets out the fundamental requirements and procedures applied by HQP FACILITY SERVICES LP, ensuring that the operating mechanism, resources, and layout of the infrastructure are always in line with current epidemiological data and guidelines, as defined by the relevant health institutions, to prevent the transmission and spread of SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus.
The object of the Covid-19 Pandemic policy is the immediate implementation of this program, and the ultimate purpose of this policy is:
- The protection of the health of the staff and the visitors / customers of the company.
- The optimization of the provided experience implies added value for the company’s customers.
The Covid-19 Pandemic policy emphasizes responsibility, social awareness, and sensitivity, as well as the company’s business ethics, which defines and takes precautionary measures to:
Reducing or minimizing the chance of transmission and spread of Covid-19
- Support for a high level of prevention against possible exposure (unintentionally or intentionally) to SARS-Cov-2.
- The management of possible SARS-Cov-2 incidents in an organized, direct and shielded manner, based on the proposed published directives and instructions of the competent national (eg Ministries of Health) and international authorities (eg WHO). ) and associates, in relation to persons with whom the company comes into direct or indirect contact, such as employees, partners – suppliers, customers, visitors and other interested parties, in all phases of daily transactions and operations, during the process provision of its products and / or services.
- The operation of the staff, the company’s facilities, the operation of the auxiliary mooring bases of the boats, as well as the operational infrastructure (e.g., ships) has been adapted for the implementation of the special hygiene protocols for boats and the special health protocols for the companies.
The Covid-19 Pandemic Policy applies to:
- All employees of the company,
- All the main / auxiliary facilities and operational infrastructures of the company,
- All indirect employees of the company during their service,
- All customers of the company upon entry and during their stay at the company’s premises and
- All visitors upon entry and during their stay at the company premises.
- Has taken all the necessary hygiene and prevention measures in the company’s infrastructure, such as providing personal protective equipment (masks, gloves, antiseptics) for all staff and visitors to the premises.
- Has intensified the cleanliness of all surfaces and has taken the necessary measures to maintain distances.
- Has provided detailed information and training to the staff and associates of the company on behavior and safety measures.
- Applies heat measurement process to all those entering its facilities. Thermometers are not recorded in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU). In case of a positive result, entry to the premises is not allowed and it is strictly recommended to be monitored by a specialist.
- Has given strict instruction for non-attendance of staff, associates or other interested parties with symptoms and hotline for synchronization with possible or confirmed case.
- In case of detection of a case within the installation, it has taken the necessary measures to remove the victim and disinfect it following the instructions of EODY.
- Has established measurable indicators of training, case counting, contingencies, and compliance and process control measures to address the pandemic.
The purpose of the precautionary measures of HQP FACILITY SERVICES LP, is not only the protection of employees and society, but also its unbreakable function of serving its customers, respecting the regulations of the World Health Organization.
For the effective implementation of the Covid-19 Political Pandemic, the practices, procedures, and methodologies are applied by all interested parties, who have been informed that in case of non-compliance may lead to administrative sanctions. Sanctions are the ultimate measure for the protection of the individual and public health, defining human health as the highest value and proving the commitment of the Administration in the implementation of the Covid-19 Political Pandemic.